Christian Civil Servant

A blog to investigate what it means to be a Christian and a Civil Servant.

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Location: Hampton, Virginia, United States

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Christian Civil Servant?

Well, this is posting number 1. We'll see if I have the gumption to keep this up.

My interest in this particular blog is the schizophrenia in my life, around - my life as a Christian and my life as a civil servant. Can a person be a Christian and a civil servant? How do you deal with the "wall of seperation"? When does the "wall" come into play. What religious rights do we have as citizens and as civil servants? Are they different? Perhaps the blog could be called Seperation of Church and State - Not! or The Integrated Life or ?? but this seemed to capture the essence of my questions.

I would love to hear your views on the subject. I'll try to express some of the things I have learned. But lets learn together...



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